
  • The map of sustainable shopping and sharing in NRW. Bild: Screenshot <a href="">ich bin's! nachhaltig in NRW</a>

A Map for sustainable shopping in NRW

Where can i buy organic and fair, where furnitures and second-hand, where are repair-services? For North-Rhine-Westphalia in Germany an new map-based online-service is launched.

Each European needs 43 kilogram raw material each day. The worldwide average consumption is 27 kilogram. The ecological rucksack of a German is - including all resources for the consumption - at 202 kilogram per day. On the 22nd of August all raw resources which the planet could regrow were exhausted - for this year. And each year the world overshoot day goes forward in our calendar. In between worldwide we need one and a half planet for our consumption of resources, in Germany we need even 2.6 planets.

The private consumption is a very high part of the worldwide consumption of resources. The biggest consumption in Germany are registered in the field living and equipment (35 percent), followed by the ressource-heavy fields leisure and mobility (28 percent) and nutrition (35 percent). Therefore any action in activating a high responsibility for private conscious and climate friendly consumption is needed. To buy conscious in these fields, to get less and longliving sustainable products, fair and organic produced food from the region, to buy used things, to do it yourself, to share cars and other things, can reduce consumption clearly.

As consumers, we often get lost in the jungle of eco and fair-trade labels or are unaware of local community garden projects and alternatives to owning a private car. Ich bin’s! nachhaltig in NRW is a new online platform created by the CSCP as part of the Communication Platform for Sustainable Lifestyles in NRW project. The platform helps people to make informed decisions and shows innovative and fun ideas that support sustainable consumption and living.

Creating awareness of the many possibilities and sustainable options that exist today, aims to encourage positive change in personal behaviour. Consumers can easily access information to be inspired by new ideas and receive support in making positive changes. Addressing consumers personally, the design enables consumers to understand how they can easily improve their everyday life – and step by step their personal lifestyles – in terms of sustainability.

The website offers a collection of information, helpful tips and examples, and an online map of initiatives, shops and organizations across all of NRW. Topics include: Saisonal & Regional, Reduction of Food Waste, Recycling, Energy Saving, Fair Trade, Collaborative Consumption and Sustainable Travel.

Users receive information on their individual potential to make a positive impact. The website encourages small steps toward an environmentally friendly and socially responsible behaviour. In addition to the website, the ich bin’s Facebook page provides opportunities to obtain, share and discuss featured and new sustainable initiatives as well as opportunities to interact with other consumers in NRW. Furthermore, to scale-up linkages between existing sustainability initiatives in NRW, nine expert workshops will be organized by the CSCP and local partners. The website is unfortunately only available in german.

