
Illusions about Growth

Illusions about Growth

They do exist, the 'limits to growth'. Everyone is familiar with the key words nowadays: climate change, overexploited oceans and high oil prices. If you ask companies and politicians about this, they quickly start talking about competitiveness. Without growth, individual companies as well as entire economies would quickly be out of business. Ecologists counter that continual growth will also lead to collapse – it will just take longer. Both of them are right. By Bert Beyers, translated from the German by Theresa Lupek, Alina Junk and Larissa Katja Burkart read more
When Sustainability Grows

When Sustainability Grows

Growth and a sustainable economy, how does this go together? It works particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises that are usually not associated with sustainability at first glance: craft enterprises. Examples show that this is exactly where limits to growth imply more sustainability. By Christine Ax, translated from the German by Christine Kuhn and Luzie Schmitt read more
Gunter Pauli and Blue Economy

Gunter Pauli and Blue Economy

Better quality for better prices is the objective of Blue Economy. Its inventor, Gunter Pauli, is an entrepreneur, advisor, author, travelling speaker and an educator. He wants to meet everybody's basic needs with his Blue Economics by using what is available regionally. By Bert Beyers, translated from the German by Christine Kuhn, Luzie Schmitt and Alina Junk read more
The Right Growth at the Right Time

The Right Growth at the Right Time

Growth at any cost – these times are over. Companies that apply principles of sustainability have other important objectives. Hence, natural limits of growth emerge – or there are simply no limits, because there is still a lot of room left for the green and blue growth of a sustainable economy; considerable room exists for companies striving to grow, to stimulate growth, to subdivide or to not growth. By Ralf Bindel, translated from the German by Larissa Burkart, Christine Kühn and Theresa Lupek read more

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